Water Rates & Policies

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2024 Water Rates

Rates are typically increased incrementally with each January billing cycle. While there is no policy regarding how much rates are adjusted, historically they have been raised approximately 3% every two years. In doing so, the Village is able to update and maintain the water infrastructure effectively without compromising water quality or putting undue burden on the system or taxpayers.

The base rate (aka, the minimum charge) includes the first 2,000 gallons of water used in each billing cycle. Any water used in excess of 2,000 gallons is billed per 10 gallons.

The Ashmore Water Department does not deliver water to any rural homes outside of town. However, there are homes "in town" (located on Village streets) that are legally outside of the Village corporate limits, and as such, their property taxes do not contribute to Village tax revenues. Because of this, water customers who are inside village limits are given a discounted water rate.

In-Town Rate: $26.00 base rate and $.134 for every 10 gallons in excess of 2,000

Out-of-Town Rate: $33.60 base rate and $.173 for every 10 gallons in excess of 2,000
If anyone who lives outside of village limits would like to be annexed in, please contact the Village Clerk to discuss.

Bulk Water Rate: $0.17 per gallon, distributed in increments of 25 cents.
The public Bulk Water dispenser is located at 200 S Illinois St on the north side of the Fire Department building.

Billing Schedule

Water charges are calculated monthly around the 25th* and mailed so that they may be received by/on the 1st*.

Water bills are due on the 20th*. Anyone who has enrolled in Auto-Pay through the office will have their account charged on the due date. If an account is not paid by the 20th then it is considered late, and a 10% late fee is applied on the 21st*. At that time, late notices are printed on pink postcard paper and mailed.

Late accounts must be paid by the 1st* day of the following month or else they are considered delinquent. A $25 delinquent fee is applied on the 2nd* of the month, and water service is disconnected. At that time, a "Notice of Delinquent Balance & Shutoff" letter is printed on brightly-color paper and affixed to the front door of the water service address. The notice will advise the customer of all balances due and how to get water service reinstated. If service is reconnected during business hours (8am-4pm Mon-Fri) then there is no additional fee. If the customer needs the water service to be reconnected after hours, then a $25 reconnect fee is applied to the account.

IMPORTANT: Starting October 2024:

  • water bills will be due on the 15th,
  • late fees will be applied on the 16th,
  • late notices must be paid on the 25th to avoid additional penalties, and
  • delinquent fees / water shutoff's will be applied on the 26th;
  • water bills will continue to be printed/mailed at the same time as they are currently.

Debt Recovery & Collections Policy

(The following is an overview of the Village of Ashmore Debt Recovery Policy. The full policy is available at the bottom if this page.)

A delinquent water account with disconnected service must contact the office before the 20th* in order to avoid any additional fees or collections processing. On the 21st*, if no payment has been received and no contact has been made, then the customer's service deposit will be applied towards the delinquent/late balances and all billing will be suspended.

At that time, a "Notice of Collections Policy" will be mailed to the customer with information about how and when the Village Water Department will pursue collections actions. This typically starts with submitting the balance to the Illinois Comptrollers Office through their IDROP program. Delinquent balances may also be placed as a lien against the property.

Deadline Extensions

Residents who are having trouble getting payment submitted before the delinquent date may request a deadline extension one time in a rolling 12-month period.

A deadline extension allows an additional 10 days to turn in payment without being charged a delinquent fee or having service disconnected.

Leak Adjustments

If the Village believes that a water customer may have a leak, then we will notify the customer as soon as possible to explain the possibilities. 

If a customer identifies a leak and fixes it, then they qualify for a leak adjustment once in any rolling 12-month period. The customer must notify the municipal office when the leak has been corrected. The Village will analyze the 12-month average usage for that household and adjust up to two consecutive billing cycles.

If the same customer identifies and fixes another leak within the 12-month time restriction, then the larger of the two leaks will be adjusted, but not both. The 12-month restriction begins with the last billing cycle that was actually adjusted.

Should you experience a problem with your water, please call the phone numbers provided. We will do everything possible to locate the problem with your water service.

* NOTE: all dates listed in the policies above are adjusted for weekends, holidays, or days when the office is closed for other reasons beyond our control. For example, if the due date falls on a weekend, then the due date will be moved to the first business day following.

Contact Info

Jackie Freezeland
Clerk & Water Collector
10 W Ashmore St
[email protected]

Jake Johnson
Water Operator & Superintendent of Public Works
10 W Ashmore St, PO Box 99, Ashmore, IL 61912
[email protected]